
Children's Day Out uses Creative Curriculum, by Teaching Strategies.  This curriculum recognizes that teaching with a developmentally appropriate approach matches the way that children actually learn.  The curriculum is based on 50 goals and objectives. It is with these in mind that teachers implement daily classroom activities.


Teachers assess the developmental progress of each child across all developmental areas; physical, cognitive, social/emotional and language.  Staff assess children to determine their strengths, interests, and needs on an ongoing basis.  They use these assessments to guide daily curriculum content and classroom instruction.


Below are examples of the learning goals and objectives

that are utilized by Children's Day Out.  For a copy of the specific goals for each age group contact the CDO director at 272-5999.

Social/Emotional Development

Sense of Self and Others

Demonstrates ability to adjust to new situations

Demonstrates trust in known, caring adults

Demonstrates self control

Is learning to identify own feelings

Is learning to express feelings appropriately

Developing persistence

Learning to share and take turns

Learning to listen and follow directions

Respects the rights/property of others

Demonstrates confidence

Shows empathy for others

Physical Development

Gross Motor

Demonstrates personal balance

Demonstrates basic locomotor movements (walking, running, jumping, hopping)

Learning to maneuver riding vehicles

Demonstrates ability to bounce, throw, catch and kick a ball

Demonstrates basic eye-foot coordination

Fine Motor

Demonstrates basic eye-hand coordination

Uses a variety of manipulative materials

Uses a writing instrument with increasing control

Uses art materials (paint, glue) appropriately


Cognitive Development

Perception, Thinking and Reasoning

Demonstrates awareness of time concepts

Demonstrates awareness of position in space


Identifies colors and shapes

Identifies letters of the alphabet

Demonstrates an understanding of alphabet letters

Demonstrates an understanding of number and math concepts

Able to compare, classify and order objects

Counts objects and forms sets

Language Development


Reading, Writing, Listening and Speaking

Uses language to communicate

Expresses feelings in words

Listens to and understands short stories

Recognizes relationships betwen sounds of words

Demonstrates an understanding of print

Actively participates in conversation

Asks questions/answers questions

Spiritual Development

Young children's faith develops as they are in the presence of believers.

Areas in which spiritual development can be expected to occur:

Love:  Bonding with others that results in positive feelings and actions

Joy:  Happiness with self, others, environment, God

Peace:  Harmony in personal relationships

Patience:  Calmly dealing with the unexpected and the unpredictable

Respect:  Holding God's creation in high regards

Gentleness:  Relaxed, mild manners and disposition

Forgiveness:  Admitting wrongs and accepting unconditional love and demonstrating the same

Thankfulness:  Expressing appreciation for God's creation

Faithfulness:  Steadfast in affection or allegiance

Stewardship:  Wise use of time, talents and resources